Living naturalness-
In harmony with your own self

Individual Nature Rituals

"Alienation from nature is alienation from ourselves" (Wolf Dieter Storl). Get closer to yourself again, solve life blocks and limiting beliefs, find your very own path, learn to hear your inner voice again and follow it. Let nature help you get your life flowing again.
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Life celebrations in nature

Nature weddings, name ceremonies, funerals, transition rituals for children and young people, separation rituals, new phases of life of all kinds - all these important events can and may take place again in and with nature and be celebrated embedded in its supportive and sustaining power.
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Annual festivals

Celebrating the old annual festivals of our Celtic ancestors, such as the solstices or the equinoxes, and living consciously with the ever-turning wheel of the year, the seasons and their respective qualities, gives our lives depth and stability. By using and integrating the power and energy that naturally surrounds us at any given time, we can bring more lightness into our daily lives or consciously strengthen or resolve personal life issues.
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Practice for classical homeopathy and talk therapy

Natural health and a holistic and sustainable approach to the treatment and support of all kinds of illnesses are becoming increasingly important today, especially in view of the increasing resistance to antibiotics and the massive side effects of many conventional medicines. It is important to me to be a competent and reliable partner on your path to stable physical and mental health with the help of classical homeopathy, naturopathy or accompanying talk therapy.
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